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💥Dive into the FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program💥

A world-class, comprehensive online course designed to fast-track senior IT professionals to leadership roles like Directors, Vice Presidents, and CIOs as quickly as possible. All for just

Don’t wait – start your transformation NOW!

For aspiring IT Professionals with 10+ years of experience

FastTrack Your IT Leadership Career to the Next Level to Become an IT Director, VP or CIO

Avoid Being Stuck for Decades — Master the CIO-Level Skillset, Mindset, and Toolset!

Even Without MBA, Decades of Managerial or Leadership Experience, or Bunch of Certifications

What is the #1 factor that separates low-level IT workers stuck at the bottom of the corporate barrel…

… and those IT professionals who lead teams and become IT Directors, VPs, CIO-s in record time?

If you guessed:

Their technical skills…

Or their education and number of certificates…

Or even the amount of experience they have working in the field…

You’d be wrong.

Sure, the things above are important.

But the fact is, none of these things matter if you don’t master something I like to call the “Leadership Triad”...

Because from what I’ve seen from my own 25 year career and from the careers of other IT professionals – those who do master the “Leadership Triad” become top IT leaders and CIO-s in record time…

While those who don’t improve in this area stay stuck in the same IT position for years – even if they have a lot of experience and really good technical skills.

But before I go on and explain exactly what the “Leadership Triad” is and how to learn it, I’d like to tell you a bit more about myself and why you should listen to me…

See, I was in the same position you’re in right now…

My name is Raj Polanki, and I’m a successful CIO in the USA with 25+ years of experience in IT.

But before leveling up to IT leadership, and ultimately becoming a CIO, a published author, and a keynote speaker
– I struggled for many years…

For a very long time, I was just a regular IT worker…

And even though I was gaining experience in IT… my career wasn’t progressing.

I was stuck.

So what did I do?

someone told me I should get an MBA.

I spent $100,000 and got an MBA from a prestigious University in USA.

I was still stuck.

I tried improving the level of my technical skills and education.

I got certified in many different areas in IT …

But even with all those things…my career still wasn’t progressing.

So one day, after I had enough of staying stuck in the same place, I asked myself:

“What do the people above me know that I don’t?”

Why are they so much further up in their careers – even though we have the same technical knowledge in IT?

And that is when I realized that something completely else was needed to climb the corporate ladder:

IT Leadership Triad

So I started observing those who were leaders in IT, in my own company and other companies…

And after years of doing this and gathering information, I pin-pointed the 3 vital areas where IT leaders – and all other leaders for that matter – excel over everyone else.

These 3 areas constitute what I now call the “Leadership Triad”...

And only by mastering these 3 key areas did I finally start leveling up, ultimately becoming a CIO of a USA manufacturing company.

What are the 3 areas that are vital to mastering the “IT Leadership Triad?”

What exactly does it take to learn the “Leadership Triad” – and become the IT leader all the other workers look up to?

Here are the areas:

Area #1: The Business You Work For

In order to demonstrate your value to your boss and others in the company,

it’s vital that you first understand the business you work for.

You must be 100% confident that what you’re presenting is the best solution for everyone involved…

And that’s impossible to do without a deep understanding of how the company operates.

Which leads us into the next area…

Area #2: The IT Organization of the Business

Once you understand how the company is structured, it’s time to level down to understanding the actual IT department you’re working in.

How is it organized? What are the current IT leaders doing right or doing wrong? How can your department provide more value to the business users and customers?

These are just some of the questions you need to ask to get this understanding…

And only by answering these questions will you be able to start bringing more value to your IT department and level-up to become an IT leader.

Which leads us to the next, and the final area of the equation…

Area #3: The People You Work With

As an aspiring IT leader, you’ll be in contact with a lot of people.

Business users, executives, business leaders, IT Team members, external customers…

And because you’ll be working with so many people at the same time, your main task will be understanding what these people actually want.

And more importantly, you will have to understand how to give them what they want – so they realize the value you’re bringing to the company.

These 3 areas are key for mastering the “Leadership Triad” and becoming an IT leader…

Without getting them right, it’s impossible to level up as an IT professional…

But if you do master these 3 areas – others will notice and start looking up to you for leadership…

And you’ll be able to get that promotion sooner than you even thought possible.

Now, personally I had no one to teach me all this…

So I had to master it through a long period of trial-and-error – even staying in the same IT position for years at a time…

And without the “Leadership Triad”, I’m sure I still wouldn’t be a CIO – even after 25 years working in IT…

So for that reason, I want to teach other IT professionals the information I’ve learned over the years on how to level-up their careers.

Because I was in the same position you’re in right now, and I know how hard it is to advance.

That is why I took the time to package everything I learned over the years into a framework that any IT professional can use to level up their IT career in record time.

For aspiring IT Professionals with 10+ years of experience


“FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program”

The “FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program” is a world-class and comprehensive online course for senior IT professionals on any level to fast track their careers and become IT Leaders (Directors, Vice Presidents and CIOs) as fast as possible.

It gives you a CIO skillset, mindset and all the needed tools so you can demonstrate your value and get that next-level promotion in the company you work for – no matter what level you’re at right now.

Inside the FastTrack IT Leadership Program, you'll discover 26 well-crafted, top university-level modules featuring over 200 easy-to-follow training videos. Enhance your learning with 30 self-assessment quizzes and 100+ downloadable handouts (slides, checklists, and templates). All these resources are masterfully grouped into 6 comprehensive sections designed to elevate your IT leadership skill

Top Leadership Mindset and Responsibilities of a CIO

To start off, we first must discover what exactly a CEO, a VP, or any top organizational leader cares about, focuses on, thinks, and strategizes.

Then what are the skills needed, expectations, and responsibilities of a CIO?

In this section, you’ll discover:

  • The key leadership qualities that top executives prioritize to drive organizational success

  • The #1 trait all CIO-s have in common – and why it is so important

  • 6 vital responsibilities every CIO has in an organization

  • The P.E.S.R. method for staying cool and managing unplanned situations as an IT professional

  • Applying for a IT Director or a VP role? You need to know how to answer these 10 interview questions

  • The “Skill Triangle” every IT professional must know before becoming a top IT Leader

Understanding the “Top-To-Bottom” of a Business

Now that we know what the CIO role exactly is, we can move to understanding the business better.

Because if you don’t understand the business you work for, you won’t be able to contribute the most value possible to those around you.

You’ll learn:

  • Why IT is vital for any business structure – and how you can show that to others in your company

  • Which type of organization structure does your company use? Find out in the 4th video lesson of this course section

  • How IT professionals can use the “Business Model Canvas” to better understand the company they work in

  • The “Sustain and Grow” strategy Fortune 500 businesses employ to stay on top – and how you can adapt it to wherever you work

  • The proven strategic frameworks top executives use to decide the direction of any company and how to understand business strategy

The “IT Part” Of Being A CIO

In this section, we’ll answer the question: “How does an IT organization actually work?”

We’ll delve deep into all the models and processes needed to manage and govern an IT department.

Some of the areas we’ll cover are:

  • IT Governance and Enterprise Architecture

  • IT Strategy and Portfolio Management

  • Project Management and Product Development

  • IT Infrastructure and Cloud Services

  • Cyber Security and Service Management

And much, much more.

This is the most comprehensive part of the course, and it will give you key insights into how exactly an IT department works on both a high and low level.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 types of activities done in an IT department – and how each of them influences the company as a whole

  • How leading IT professionals are using the “COBIT” framework to grow the company they work for (If you show this to your boss, I guarantee they’ll be impressed)

  • The simple 7-step process for managing risk in IT. Following this process for problem solving will make your life infinitely easier

  • Why efficiency and reliability are the end-all and be-all in IT security (If you don’t pay attention to these two, you’re setting yourself up for failure from the get-go)

Strategy Language and Strategic Transformation

In this section, we emphasize the importance of mastering the strategy language—the leadership language essential for IT leaders.

You’ll learn:

  • How to acquire a strategic mindset to lead transformation projects with confidence and clarity

  • Real-world case study: How strategy is defined and developed into actionable IT projects

  • The critical link between business strategy and IT strategy, ensuring alignment and value creation

  • Proven strategic phases and questions that guide IT leaders in successfully navigating and implementing transformation initiatives

Communication and Leadership Skills For Leveling Up In IT

This is the most important part of the whole “FastTrack IT Leadership” process.

Even if you know the business and the IT parts perfectly, you won’t be able to level up if you don’t have good communication and leadership skills.

That is why we’ll learn what it takes to effectively communicate and collaborate with your co-workers…

And how you can set yourself apart as a leader – and not just someone who listens to other people’s orders.

You’ll discover:

  • The “Four Tees” method for leveling up your skills in communication and leadership

  • How to make people like and respect you – even if you’re currently not a great communicator or don’t like talking to people

  • The “win-win” mindset for approaching any interaction with your co-workers

  • The #1 factor all great leaders have in common. This works no matter who you work with or how big the team you’re leading

The Path to Becoming a Top IT Leader

All that is left now is mapping out your path to becoming a top IT Leader - Director, VP or CIO.

You’ll find out which career level you’re on at the moment, and you’ll get the needed steps to move up from there.

You’ll discover:

  • How to go from just meeting expectations to vastly exceeding them and becoming a top IT leader

  • Is being certified a must? What credentials do you need to set yourself apart? Find this out and more in the final section of the course!

  • The 4 Stages of Contribution Model for evaluating the next steps in your IT career

  • Understand not just how to work hard but where and how to strategically contribute to significantly increase your value and visibility in the organization

  • Learn to articulate and showcase your work effectively, building a personal brand that commands respect and recognition, propelling you into next-level leadership positions

FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program delivers unmatched value, surpassing expensive university programs, conventional leadership courses, and career coaching

Our modules deliver practical, real-world skills that you can apply immediately. We focus on hands-on learning, tailored leadership development, and strategies to accelerate your career. Gain the edge you need to rise to the top and drive organizational success effectively.

Here Are Just A Few Things IT Professionals Say About

“FastTrack IT Leadership” …

How You Can Join the FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program For The Lowest Price Ever

Now, the information inside this course could be worth tens of thousands of dollars to you in the long run.

Just think about it…

Even if you saved only 1 year on your path toward becoming a CIO…

How much money would that be worth?

$5,000? $10,000? $20,000? Maybe even more?

And the best thing is, this course most likely won’t save you just 1 year…

It will save you from 2 to 10 years on average on your way to the top.

So as you can see, I could very well charge up to $5,000 for the information inside “FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program”, and it would still be extremely worth it to join…

Not to mention, most university IT courses out there charge anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000, and they’re taught by professors who don’t even have real-life experience working in IT…

So at first, I thought it would be fair to price this course at least $3,000…

But after thinking for a little while, I decided I wouldn’t charge that much.

Because for a limited time only, you can sign up for the FastTrack IT Leadership for the lowest price todayDivider

So just click on the button below to join now for a low price of $1,997 (reduced price for limited time).

Yes! I Want To Level Up And Become A Top IT Leader!



🚀 Here are six unique reasons why this program stands out from anything you've experienced or will encounter. 🚀

FastTrack program curates these elements expertly to equip you with the advanced skillset and mindset help you to rise to top IT leadership roles, driving business transformation effectively

Practical CIO Skillset: Real-World Insights and Application

Master the Key Domains for Holistic IT Leadership

  • IT Strategy: Focus on planning for future IT needs aligned with business objectives, including projects, funding, and strategic roadmaps.

  • Capability Building: Enhance specific business functions like HR and Sales through tailored IT solutions, whether by developing new systems or modifying existing ones.

  • IT Operations: Manage IT operations by delivering them as a service, maintaining critical systems, ensuring security, and executing backups.

  • IT Governance: Ensure IT aligns with business values through robust governance, setting policies and standards that guarantee IT delivers value.

  • Partnership: Build and maintain relationships with all stakeholders to foster mutual respect and collaborative efforts.

  • Leadership: Lead IT teams with clarity, providing support and opportunities for development.

Best proven strategies and practices from six critical frameworks essential for any IT organization's success

  • COBIT® - An ISACA Framework for managing and governing enterprise IT environments, ensuring effective and strategic alignment with business goals.

  • PMP® - Project Management Professional credentials that offer advanced project management skills and techniques to deliver projects with high efficiency.

  • The TOGAF® - A proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used to improve business efficiency.

  • IT4IT™ - A reference architecture for managing the business of IT, enabling insight and control across the entire IT value chain.

  • ITIL® - The Information Technology Infrastructure Library sets the international standard for IT service management and delivery.

  • Agile Scrum - A methodology that promotes flexibility, collaboration, and customer centricity in project management and software development.

FastTrack program curates these elements expertly to equip you with the advanced skillset and mindset help you to rise to top IT leadership roles, driving business transformation effectively

Mastery of Business Acumen to Collaborate with Business Leaders and Develop a Strategic Mindset

Develop Business Management skills

  • Comprehensive Business Understanding: Start with a broad introduction to business concepts, including detailed insights into organizational structures, value chains, and business capabilities.

  • Strategic Perspectives: Learn to view business challenges and strategies from multiple perspectives—top, middle, and bottom—enabling a well-rounded approach to IT and business alignment.

  • Advanced Strategy Tools: Dive deep into strategic planning tools such as the Business Model Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Ansoff Matrix, Balance Score Card, BCG Matrix, and Porter's Five Forces to shape and define competitive business strategies.

Uncover the Top 10 IT Leadership Roles - Skills, Career Path and Certifications

  • IT Director of Application Development

  • IT Director of Infrastructure / Operations

  • IT Director of Cloud Service

  • IT Director of Client Services / End User Support

  • IT Director of Security

  • IT Director of Enterprise Systems / Application

  • IT Director of Business Intelligence

  • IT Director of Strategy and Governance

  • IT Director of Project Management / PMO

  • IT Director of Enterprise Architecture

Leadership Career Accelerators - FastTrack Your Professional Growth with Proven Strategies and Tactics

  • Skill Gap Identification: Pinpoint the skills needed for your next-level leadership roles and learn strategies to acquire them quickly.

  • Strategic Contribution Mastery: Understand not just how to work hard but where and how to strategically contribute to significantly increase your value and visibility in the organization.

  • Building a Personal Brand: Learn to articulate and showcase your work effectively, building a personal brand that commands respect and recognition, propelling you into next-level leadership positions.

  • Magic Airplane Concept: A simple framework to go beyond your current role, expand your influence, gain a leadership perspective, and make your contributions more visible and valued.

More Than a Self-Learning Course - Six Months of Interactive and Immersive Learning Experience

  • State-of-the-Art Platform: Utilize a cutting-edge, mobile-friendly learning platform with an app for easy access to course materials on the go.

  • Rich Learning Resources: Engage with quizzes, PDFs, checklists, slides, and workbooks to enhance your learning experience.

  • FutureCIOClub Gold Membership: Enjoy exclusive access to

  • Community: Join a network of aspiring tech leaders to share and learn from success stories.

  • Live Meetings & Webinars: Participate in Q&A sessions, tech leadership discussions, and receive career advice.

  • Accountability Tracker: Track and share your progress with the community.

  • Director’s Vault: Access a growing repository of additional courses, IT leader insights, and more valuable resources.

  • Continual Updates: Benefit from a world-class curriculum that evolves based on student feedback and top IT leaders (Vice Presidents, CIOs & CTOs) insights, ensuring the most relevant and impactful tools for your career growth.

Yes! I Want To Acquire CIO Skillset and Mindset to Level Up And Become An IT Director or Above!


In Summary with this Special Offer You get $16,000 value courses for reduced amount (it will be $3000 soon) to help you get the IT Leadership Role you deserve.

Comprehensive, World-Class Curriculum Featuring 26 Expertly Designed Modules


1: Top Leaders Mindset and Focus

Understand organizational hierarchy and the mindset of top leaders—how they think, act strategically, and what they care about and focus on.


2: CIO Mindset and Responsibilities

Understand the unique skills and responsibilities of a CIO and learn how to step into this critical leadership role.


3: Understanding the Business

Gain a comprehensive understanding of business models and operations to enhance your business acumen.


4: Mastering Business Strategy

Learn proven business strategy frameworks and develop a deep understanding of business leaders' mindset, priorities, and challenges so you can align IT strategy with business objectives.


5: IT Organization

Explore the structure and functions of IT organizations to optimize performance and deliver value.


6: IT Governance

Understand the principles of IT governance to ensure alignment with business goals and regulatory compliance.


7: IT Plan - Strategy and Portfolio

Develop strategic IT plans and manage project portfolios to achieve business objectives efficiently.


8: IT Build - Project and Products

Learn best practices for managing IT projects and product development to drive efficiency and build business capabilities.


9: IT Run - Services and Operations

Master the operations and services aspect of IT to maintain robust and reliable business support.


10: IT Leadership Case Study

Analyze real-world case studies to understand how successful IT leadership drives business success.


11: Strategy Language for IT Leaders

Acquire the strategic language of leaders to effectively communicate and implement IT strategies.


12: Lead Strategic Transformation

Lead 7 phases of transformation projects confidently with powerful questions and strategic insight.


13 : IT Strategy Case Study

Learn from real-world examples of IT strategy implementation and its impact on business outcomes.


14: Cultivating Strategic Mindset

Master strategic thinking to lead high-impact IT initiatives and drive organizational growth


15: Self-Mastery - Lead from Within

Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence to lead with authenticity and effectiveness.


16: People Leadership & Collaboration

Enhance your collaboration skills to lead cross-functional teams and drive collective success.


17: Set Up Your Career Strategy

Create a clear career roadmap to achieve your leadership ambitions in the IT field.


18: Mindset Shift for Greater Impact

Transform your approach to leadership to maximize your influence and effectiveness within the organization.


19: Check Up on What is Missing - Skill Gaps

Identify and address skill gaps to ensure continuous professional growth and readiness for your next-level leadership roles.


20: Skill Up Fast with Learning Hacks

Utilize efficient learning techniques to rapidly acquire new skills and knowledge.


21: Speed Up with Top 10 Leadership Skills

Master the top leadership skills that are essential for advancing your career.


22: Shine Up Like A Star - Brand Building

Learn how to exceed expectations and stand out as a top performer in your organization.


23: Pack Up Awesome Stories - Story Teller

Craft compelling professional stories that highlight your achievements and leadership journey.


24: Level Up Internally with a Job Promotion

Navigate the path to internal promotions by showcasing your value and readiness for higher responsibilities.


25 : Shoot Up to Land on Your Dream Job

Learn proven strategies to identify and secure your ideal IT leadership role, and master the skills needed to excel in competitive job markets.


26 : Top 10 IT Leadership Paths and Roles

PExplore the top leadership roles in IT and what it takes to achieve them, positioning yourself for future success.

Feedback From Our Club Members

Okay, now we’re at the part where you have a choice to make…

And in reality, there are only two options…

Option 1

You close this page and go on with your day.

You try to forget everything I told you about leveling-up your career and becoming a CIO.

But you need to consider…

Without the information in the “FastTrack IT Leadership”, chances are you’ll stay stuck…

You most likely won’t level up in your career – at least not as fast as you could.

Which brings me to your next option…

Option 2

You make a small but VITAL commitment and try out the FastTrack IT Leadership risk-free

You take the proven frameworks inside and apply it in your workplace.


→ Getting that promotion you’ve been aiming for

→ Saving anywhere from 2 to 5 years on your way to becoming an IT leader – and ultimately becoming a CIO

→ Others in the company respecting you and seeing you as a leader

Sounds amazing, right?

And to put your mind completely at rest, you’re protected by my “100% Satisfaction” 30-Day Money-Back guarantee…

Which means there’s no risk for you when you take me up on this offer.

All you need to do is click on the button below and join.


Questions People Usually Ask Before Joining

If you’re still on the edge about joining FastTrack IT Leadership, here are the answers to some questions people in your situation usually ask…

Question 1: Can you remind me once again what I’ll be getting if I join today?

When you purchase the FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program, you receive:

World-Class Curriculum: Over 200 self-paced learning lessons grouped into 26 modules.Self-Assessment Tools: 30 quizzes to gauge your understanding and progress.

Comprehensive Resources: 100+ downloadable handouts, including slides, checklists, and templates for your reference.

This comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to advance your IT leadership career.

See you inside!

Question 2: Is this course right for me if I’m aiming for a top leadership role?

You will gain the mindset, skillset, and toolset of a CIO, which you can immediately apply in your current role to secure your next promotion. 

Question 3: What is your eligibility to teach this course?

Raj Polanki is the lead faculty of these courses. With 25+ years of professional experience, Raj is working as a CIO of a USA manufacturing company and leading their IT and digital transformation. He has an MBA from Ross Business School and Advanced Executive Certificate from MIT Sloan. Raj also has a bunch of industry-proven certifications - CGEIT, CISA, CISM, CISSP, TOGAF, SAFe SPC, PMP, ITIL, COBIT.  He is also a published author, speaker and thought leader.

Along with his partners, Raj is committed to helping IT professionals to transform them into technology leaders. 

Question 4: What type of content and how many hours of learning does the course bundle offer?

The course bundle encompasses over 30 hours of video content, designed for self-paced learning.

Along with these comprehensive video lessons, you'll also receive a wealth of supporting materials including eBooks, detailed PDFs, and interactive quizzes.

The content is rich and layered, offering insights that you'll find increasingly relevant and applicable as your career progresses.

Many of our learners revisit the material more than once, discovering new layers of strategy and leadership wisdom as they advance in their roles.

Question 5: Do I need technical experience to benefit from this course?

No, technical experience is not a prerequisite for this course. It's designed to be valuable even if you're not a hands-on 'tech person.'

If your role involves interacting with technical teams, customers, or business leaders, understanding the language of Information Technology can be incredibly beneficial.

This course aims to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical professionals, providing insights that are crucial for effective communication and leadership in the IT domain.

Question 6: Is there a money-back guarantee if I don't get the results?

While we can’t guarantee your success, as it ultimately depends on your effort and commitment, we can assure you that we've provided the best curriculum with proven strategies and frameworks.

Many participants have expressed great satisfaction with the skills they’ve gained from the program.

With the right map and tools, like those offered in this course, you have the potential to progress your career and achieve your goals. Your dedication combined with our program can make a powerful impact on your future.

Question 7: How long will I have access to these courses?

This offer allows you to have lifetime access to the courses. Please note that this option may not be available in future offers because our business model is to provide yearly subscriptions.

Because we want to make this a no-brainer deal, we currently offer lifetime access.

Question 8: I am not ready now, can I come back after a month?

Unfortunately, we can't guarantee the same offer with this lowest price ever given and many bonus courses for free. Yes, you can come later, but you may have to pay a lot more than this incredible offer.

Question 9: Do I get a recognizable course certificate for my career purpose?

Yes, you get a course completion certificate with unique number. Many people showcase this certification on their LinkedIn profiles and resumes. 

FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program Before the Price Increases to $1997

Today For Only $1997

Schedule a Call to Qualify for FastTrack IT Leadership Career Program Before the Price Increases to $3000

IT Leadership Career  Foundation Training

You won't want to miss out on this exclusive offer! 

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The contents of all our course are provided for educational and informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the information and strategies shared in this course, they are not guaranteed to produce specific results. Outcomes may vary and depend on multiple factors, including individual effort, prior experience, and application of the course material.

This course is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, and any decisions made or actions taken based on the content of this course are at the sole discretion and responsibility of the participant. We do not assume liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages incurred as a result of using the information provided in this course.

Participation in this course does not guarantee career advancement or improvement in leadership capabilities. It is designed to provide guidance and insights that, when applied, can enhance one’s skills and knowledge in the field of IT leadership.