Cloud Computing and Cloud Strategies

Short but packed with powerful content to enable you with WHOLISTIC CLOUD knowledge

👉 50+ minutes of video content 👉 6 Video lessons

Stay successful in the digital world with Cloud Computing Course

Cloud technologies are the centerpiece enabling organizations to transform into digital companies. Cloud provides computing, storage and networking in the form of three service types Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In addition, the cloud gives powerful elasticity to set up, scale up and down in minutes with few clicks, which is extremely powerful for organizations to experiment, develop and implement applications.

What you'll learn

  • Learn the importance of Cloud Computing and Services in the Digital Economy

  • Learn the value of the cloud computing vs. on-prem data centers

  • Understand the real-world use cases of the Cloud

  • Learn about Cloud service types Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Understand Cloud hosting types - Public Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud

  • Learn about Cloud First strategy in alignment with business strategy

  • Understand various types of Cloud Migration strategies - Rehost, Revise, Rearchitect, Rebuild, Replace

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to stay successful and get a Competitive Edge in the Digital World

  • Anyone interested in learning about cloud computing, technologies and services

  • Any technology professional to understand the value of the cloud services

  • Any professionals looking to lead, sponsor or participate in cloud migration or automation projects

Do you know the job shift happening in the world?

According to World Economic Forum, there is a growing demand for Digital Skills. By 2025, 97 million new jobs will be created in the areas of Digital Technologies - Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud, Automation, the Internet of Things, and Cyber Security.

Now the important questions for this digital world are -

  • How do you want to skill up and secure your future career?

  • How do you want to increase your income?

  • How do you want to fast-track your leadership career?

  • How do you want to play an important role in your business transformation?

  • How do you want to help your company to survive and thrive?

  • How do you want to help your team to succeed in digital projects?

Now the important questions for this digital world are -

  • How do you want to skill up and secure your future career?

  • How do you want to increase your income?

  • How do you want to fast-track your leadership career?

  • How do you want to play an important role in your business transformation?

  • How do you want to help your company to survive and thrive?

  • How do you want to help your team to succeed in digital projects?

Cloud Computing and Cloud Strategies - Course Video Previews

Cloud Computing and Strategies - Course Content

1. Course Introduction

Learn about how the course is structured and the topics list.

2. Cloud vs On-Prem

3. Cloud Service Types

4. Cloud Hosting Types

5. Cloud Strategies

Get Ahead and Future-proof Yourself with Cloud Computing and Cloud Strategies Training Course

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